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Dear Sisters,

Listen... There is something beautiful about sharing information with others that can help them. This blog is a platform for young and older women to share inspiration with other ladies. I will also share with you my experiences. I do not know everything but whatever I have gone through in life can be shared with others for upliftment. Whether it is to stop you from making wrong decisions like myself or it is to encourage you to do some things I've done. I have always liked the thought of someone else sharing with me their experiences. The thought of knowing more and gaining wisdom is so amazing! Many of us are not in the same contexts, but learning from my context and having me learn about yours is an experience I look forward to. We may not be literal sisters but as females, we face similar situations that only we can understand.
So here's to ladies sharing inspirations and pouring into each other like sisters!

Blog Categories

There's something about grown out locs t

From time to time, I'll invite persons* to share their inspiring thoughts. If you or anyone else you know would like to share encouraging stories please get in contact with me!

*This includes inspiration from any gender that will uplift women specifically 

Something uplifting to keep you moving


In commenting on works contributed:

At all times be tactful, inspiring, just, but never condemning or judgmental.

Remember to be kind because loving words is like watering the seeds of someone’s awesomeness

The blog host

will not condone (subtly or overtly) bullying, belittlement, defamation or discrimination of anyone no matter their backgrounds.

While blogs from contributors will be vetted, the blog host cannot take responsibility for the views of, or the interpretation of the readers.

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